Online or in person consultations
Free Exploratory Chat
30 Mins
Book a free 30 min chat - available either over the phone or online.
Kirsten will ask you about your health challenges and what has brought you to consult a registered nutritionist. It is an informal chat and the aim is for her to explain in brief how she might be able to help you and answer any questions you may have. Alternatively, you can email her your queries prior to booking the first consultation, or simply make a booking by contacting the clinic.
Initial Consultation
1 Hour 30 Mins
The fee also includes the time spent after the consultation devising the plan.
Please note you will be emailed a questionnaire to be filled in prior to the initial consultation.
In the consultation:
One hour - detailed case history taking and in-depth health analysis
Your dietary patterns, including the 4-day food diary will be examined (approx. 30 mins)
Kirsten will explain to you some the underlining causes for your health concerns and the aims of the carefully staged protocol she will design going forward
See here for info about functional medicine
Individualised supplement prescription & recommended lab testing (if appropriate)
She may also suggest nutrigenomic testing
Interpretation of NHS lab tests & opinion on own supplements where applicable
After the consultation:
The personalised science-backed nutritional plan will be emailed within 48 hours of the first consultation.
Your own health goals, stress levels, relationship with food (where relevant) & preferences will be taken into account
Your plan could just entail specific tweaks, whereas some conditions may warrant a more intensive programme. But don’t be daunted at the prospect of making drastic dietary changes and having to cook elaborate meals - this would counter-intuitive if stress is a big part of the health picture. Kirsten can also provide shopping lists and recipes if required. The plan will keep you satiated, reducing food cravings & inflammation with the aim to optimise your well-being.
Lab tests may also be suggested to ascertain particular deficiencies or imbalances in your body. These will be agreed, organised and billed separately but aren’t compulsory. See lab tests here
Wellness Package
1 x Initial Consultation 1 Hour 30 mins
Plus 2 x Follow Ups (45-60 mins each)
3 Month Package
Save £15 on single appointments
The fee also includes the time spent after the consultations devising and updating the plan & interpreting lab test results.
• One 1 hour 30 minutes initial consultation as above
• Plus 2 x follow up appointments (45-60 minutes each) as above
• See here for more info about what functional medicine entails
• Individualised supplement prescription & lab testing if appropriate
• She may also recommend nutrigenomic testing
• Interpretation of NHS lab tests & opinion on own supplements where applicable
Payment must be made when the initial consultation is booked, the date for the follow-ups don’t need to be arranged at the outset. This package may be suitable for someone who needs a dietary overhaul or has a chronic condition they wish to tackle with ongoing support. It includes health coaching to help with motivation and compliance and providing support and encouragement.
Follow Up Appointments
45-60 Mins
The fee also includes the time spent after the consultation updating the plan & interpreting lab test results.
In the follow-up consultations (usually 3-6 weeks later) your progress is discussed, questions are answered, and Kirsten provides the next stage to your protocol with further enhancements to your plan and supplementation. There is no judgement, should you need help with momentum or motivation, she will also coach you to overcome any barriers hindering your success. She may also review any test results, whilst providing continuing support, encouragement, and expert guidance.
And good health is certainly not just down to eating well, you also need to move, rest and sleep. Factors that will be discussed, where relevant in follow-ups, as an integrated approach to health is paramount.
Supplement prescription may be updated & lab testing results explained
Interpretation of NHS lab tests & opinion on own supplements where applicable
Health Recovery Package
1 x Initial Consultation
1 Hour 30 Mins
4 x Follow Ups (45-60 Mins each)
6 Month Package
Save £30 on single appointments
• One 1 hour 30 mins initial consultation as above
• Plus 4 x follow up appointments (45-60 minutes each)
• See here for more info about what functional medicine entails
• Individualised supplement prescription & lab testing if appropriate
• She may also recommend nutrigenomic testing
• Interpretation of NHS lab tests & opinion on own supplements where applicable
This package is a 6 month package for someone who has a condition that needs longer support and a more comprehensive protocol.
Payment must be made when the initial consultation is booked, the dates for the follow-ups don’t need to be arranged at the outset. It includes health coaching to help with motivation and compliance, providing support and encouragement.
Follow up Package
3x Follow Ups (45-60 Mins each)
Saving £15 on single appointment bookings
3 x follow up appointments to check progress and make changes to your plan, provide supplement recommendations, assess lab results, discuss lifestyle and provide personalised ongoing support and guidance updating your protocol. The dates don’t all need to be arranged at the outset.
Lab tests vary and are charged in addition to consultation fees
Diagnostic tests can often explain long-standing symptoms and accelerate the healing process through focused plans. Specialist laboratory blood tests can also establish nutrient deficiencies as it is not wise to take vitamins and minerals long-term, without professional guidance. This is because it can create imbalances and excesses that can be potentially detrimental. Any laboratories used are scientifically accredited and include Cortigenix, Thriva, Genova Diagnostics, Invivo healthcare, Lifecode Gx and Regenerus.
All lab tests will be discussed and costs explained. For more information, see here.
Corporate Health
Talks and seminars geared towards health in the workplace
As a qualified health practitioner with 18 years clinical experience, Kirsten is able to provide engaging talks to corporations on many areas of interest, such as healthy eating, optimising mental health, brain health and gut health, weight management and how simple changes to our diet can increase mood and productivity at work. Resulting in fewer sick days, and the prevention of chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Her main specialism is giving seminars on the area of stress, burn-out and mental health.
Get in touch to discuss how Kirsten can tailor a seminar for your company. For more information see here.